Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Would You Trade Five Minutes Of Your Day For Peace?

By: Todd Taylor

Would you trade five minutes of your day for peace? Meditation might seem scary and unapproachable or perhaps you don’t even know how to meditate. The very fact is that you meditate already without even knowing it. Have you spent more than two minutes in a row stressing about your job and focusing all your attention to that stress? That is a form of unconscious mediation. Have you lain in bed trying to fall asleep only to find yourself worrying about tomorrow? That is a form of unconscious mediation. There is no right or wrong way to meditate when it is conscious and it leaves you with peace and creative energy. It is time to redirect your negative unconscious mediation into positive meditation. There are simple, yet effective ways for the beginner to spend as little as five minutes a day to gain more peace in their life. This is the most simple.

Try meditating because it is easier than you think it is.

1. Find a quiet place. Turn off all your phones, pagers, televisions, radios, and any other device that will interrupt this five-minutes or more of peace. Sit upright or lay down which ever you prefer. You do not want to be so comfortable that you fall gently asleep though.

2. Gently close your eyes in a natural manner, do not force them closed. Notice your breathing. As you notice your breathing you may notice it slow down and deepen or in some cases this maybe your first time and you may notice your breathing speed up. Either fast or slow is fine, what matters is that you are noticing you’re breathing and being conscious of it. If thoughts come that distract you that’s ok to, but redirect your attention back to your breathing. Just notice your breathing.

3. For additional focusing ability you can try focusing on a phrase or a word. Choose one that brings thoughts of peace and happiness. Some examples would be “ I am in Beauty” or “Peace is with me”. Do the same as the breathing so if your thoughts wonder back to your life stress, that’s ok, simply redirect your thoughts back to the words and phrases that you chose.

4. Do this as often or as long as you want. For the beginners, just try doing this five minutes a day at regular intervals, such as before work and after work. Once you get more comfortable and you aren’t trying to force anything, feel free to meditate for longer periods.

Once you have built up a comfort level and found more peace coming through your life feel free to explore for more ways to meditate. There are countless forms and ways that will help you realize the peace that is within you. Remember, you can be conscious and meditate for peace or unconscious and meditate about all the problems in your life. The choice is simple.

Article Source:

Todd Taylor is the managing member of Fractional VP, a Strategy and Tactics company. Taylor can be reached at 888-602-5866. For more articles like this:
